9 April 2021
The case to protect possums from logging has been running for over three years. And after an incredible win for threatened possums, we’re heading back to court on April 12 to defend vital possum habitat once more.
In May 2020, Justice Mortimer found that 66 of VicForests’ logging operations in Victoria’s Central Highlands were unlawful.
After the Federal Court delivered a historic judgment and a huge victory for Victoria’s threatened possums, VicForests decided to appeal the decision and take our clients, volunteer-run Friends of Leadbeater’s Possum, back to court.
It was a win of national significance, but this landmark victory is under threat. Instead of focusing on the transition out of native forest logging, VicForests decided to take our clients, Friends of Leadbeater’s Possum, back to court.
The appeal hearing will run for three days and will determine the future of some of the last remaining habitat for the critically endangered Leadbeater’s Possum and the vulnerable Greater Glider.
Since VicForests lodged appeal proceedings in October, our legal team have been working around the clock and have engaged some of the best legal partners to help defend this important Federal Court decision and we are now in the final stages of preparing for this appeal.
We know the evidence is clear that logging practices are destroying some of the last remaining native habitats and pushing endangered wildlife closer to extinction.