We work on the most pressing environmental justice issues
of our time
We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the communities we serve.
Together we run game-changing court cases, high-stakes legal interventions and bold advocacy campaigns.
We hold governments and corporations to account, using the law to create a world that works for all of us.

Where we deliver impact

Climate justice
We go to court to drive climate ambition, to expose destruction and deliver justice for frontline communities.

Ending pollution
We partner with communities fighting for clean air and swimmable rivers, to make life safer and fairer.

Protecting nature
We use the law to protect nature and regenerate vital ecosystems on the brink of collapse.

First Nations justice
We provide legal support to First Nations people fighting for Country and Culture.

Donate today
Power game-changing court cases and legal interventions for environmental justice.

We're a public interest legal organisation for environmental justice and a radically better world.
We're proudly not-for-profit, independent and funded by the generous EJA community.
Impact highlights

Over three decades delivering lasting, large-scale impact
The law is a powerful tool.
Let's use it, together.
The latest