Our people

Committed lawyers, campaigners, communicators, policy experts and specialists – we're a small team of good humans achieving big goals.

Our board

With extensive board and governance experience, an environmental science background and past life working as a park ranger in the Northern Territory, Tony is currently a director of the National Native Title Council.

Tony is also lawyer and CEO of First Nations Legal and Research Services. He has over 10 years’ experience working to advance Traditional Owner rights and interests.

Having worked across a number of sectors in leadership roles including manufacturing, banking and the not-for-profit sector, Kate is currently a Business Partnerships Manager at Sustainability Victoria. She has previously led the Alternative Technology Association as CEO and worked as the National Accreditation Manager for the Clean Energy Council.

Kate holds a B. Eng in Chemistry (Hons) and a MEnv in Eng.

Ann-Maree has held a number of board and executive finance, governance and compliance roles with not-for-profit charitable organisations. She is currently the Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary of Conservation Volunteers Australia and New Zealand.

Ann-Maree is also Fellow member of CPA, a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and associate member of the Governance Institute of Australia.

Formerly a corporate lawyer, Arjuna is now a research fellow at Stanford University, specialising in climate change law and economics.

He has experience working with for-profit and not-for-profit boards on strategy, corporate governance and legal issues.

A leading voice for the protection and restoration of Victoria’s stressed rivers for over 20 years, Juliet is a zoologist by training and life-long environmentalist.

She has advocated for our rivers as an EJA staff member and managed Environment Victoria’s healthy rivers campaigns until 2019.

She continues to work with river champions and community groups across Victoria and throughout the Murray-Darling Basin, providing leadership, mentoring and expert advice.

Bringing biodiversity conservation and regulation expertise, including the development of environmental markets,
Victoria trained as a lawyer and has worked across the private, not-for-profit and public sectors in media/ communications and consumer law.

She led Trust for Nature as CEO and currently serves as Chair of the Australian Land Conservation Alliance and director of Yarra Valley Water Corporation.

Victoria has also served as chair of the Consumer Action Law Centre and Abbotsford Convent Foundation, CEO of the Legal Services Board (Victoria), Legal Services Commissioner (Victoria), Deputy Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman and a trustee of the Victorian Arts Centre Trust.

Sally trained as a corporate and commercial lawyer and now works on specific projects across the arts and business transactions, in both for-profit and not-for-profit areas.

She was a core member of the community group which campaigned successfully to create an arts and cultural precinct at the Abbotsford Convent and was a founder Director of the not-for-profit Abbotsford Convent Foundation from 2004 until 2017.

Sally has specific experience in fundraising, corporate governance and the operation of enterprises in the primary production sectors. Sally holds an LLB (Hons).

Inshani is a Senior Legal Adviser at the Department of Treasury and Finance. She previously worked in private practice and has experience working in the not-for-profit sector including at EJA (as an intern), the Mental Health Legal Centre and Justice Connect.

She holds a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Animal and Veterinary Bioscience (Hons).

Clint is a Murri man from far north Queensland, with Ewamian and Kuku-Yalinji ancestry. He is a lawyer, solicitor advocate, academic, consultant, artist and writer.

Clint has over 20 years of legal experience across a diverse portfolio of roles, including at the Australian Taxation Office, NSW Legal Aid, Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service and Arts Law.

He also has accounting, academic and consulting experience, and has volunteered for many community organisations including Fitzroy Legal Service.

He has joined EJA as a Board Observer and Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group member.

Brooke (she/they) is a queer First Nations single mum, poet, podcaster, business mentor, and artist manager living on Darkinjung land.

Brooke brings a unique perspective and extensive experience to her work. With over 15 years in community services and 5 years in the arts industry, she possesses a deep understanding of diverse communities and creative expression.

Brooke’s talent as a writer and poet has gained national recognition, including achieving 2nd place in the esteemed 2020 Judith Wright Poetry Prize.

Our staff

Nicola leads EJA as Co-CEO, with over two decades experience as a lawyer and a decade at EJA.

She previously led EJA’s clean air work, supporting grassroots groups and local communities around Australia to protect our right to clean air.

She has also led our federal and state advocacy work on issues such as climate and water law, and national biodiversity laws.

Previously, she worked as a senior lawyer in federal and state governments.

Nicola is a Fellow of the Centre for Sustainability Leadership and holds a Masters in Environmental Management.

Elizabeth leads EJA as Co-CEO as an experienced environmental lawyer with a passion for using litigation to create change.

After a stint in private practice, Elizabeth moved to Environment Defenders Office Victoria as a public interest environmental litigator.

She was previously General Counsel at the Australian Conservation Foundation. Here, she led ACF in Federal Court litigation to Stop Adani and advising across a range of operational and governance issues.

Elizabeth has been the Chairperson of Environment Victoria and sits on the editorial panel of the Australian Environment Review. She has well over a decade's experience using the law as a tool for change in the environment and climate movements.

After joining the EJA Board in 2012, Thea became our Chief Operating Officer in 2017. Since then, she has supported and sustained the seamless operation of all EJA's endeavours.

Thea has a background as a lawyer, an environmental consultant in contaminated land site assessment and environmental auditing, and as a Deloitte consultant in the UK and Australia.

Thea holds a combined Bachelor of Environmental Engineering (Hons) / Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and has been admitted to practice in Victoria.

Alina is dedicated to climate justice, advancing human rights and embodying transformative leadership in the legal assistance sector. She has extensive experience in strategic litigation, advocacy, program planning and coalition building.

At EJA, she leads innovative litigation and legal strategies and provides crucial support to our legal teams.

Alina’s background includes working as Special Counsel at the Environmental Defenders Office in the Northern Territory, as Managing Lawyer, Economic and Social Rights, at Victoria Legal Aid, at the Human Rights Law Centre and the Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission.

Her earlier work focused on economic and social rights and the rights of people in prison.

Climate team

We run public interest litigation and legal interventions for a safe climate and justice for frontline communities. Read more

Retta leads EJA's public interest litigation and legal interventions for a safe climate and justice for frontline communities.

She focuses on the role of institutions and governance systems in the management of climate risks to people, communities and nature.

With broad public law expertise, Retta has specialised knowledge of domestic human rights instruments in Australia, including conducting litigation under the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic).

Retta has previously worked as a legal advisor and litigator for the Victorian government, and in a specialist community legal centre providing advice and contributing to law reform campaigns.

Retta holds a Juris Doctor and a Bachelor of Social Science.

As a climate lawyer at EJA, Cecile brings a longstanding passion for environmental issues and enjoys finding strategic ways to use the law for climate justice.

Before joining EJA, she worked as a lawyer for the Australian government, an Associate to a Federal Court judge, and at the commercial law firm Clayton Utz.

Cecile has a BSc/LLB (Hons) from the University of Technology, Sydney and a Master of Laws (Distinction) from the London School of Economics.

Cecile also writes stories and essays. She loves to spend time outdoors, quietly observing little details and finding peaceful spots to swim.

Ashika is a senior lawyer who leads the Climate Justice Legal Project, improving outcomes for individuals and communities disproportionately impacted by climate change.

Ashika has been a legal policy specialist for nearly 20 years in government working across various portfolios including forensic disability, complex needs, youth justice, child protection, police, legal aid and courts. She holds a Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology), and has completed postgraduate studies in public policy, legal practice and regional and community development. She is currently completing a Masters in the Law of the Sea.

Ashika is an ocean lover who dreamt of becoming a mermaid as a young girl growing up in the tropical waters of Fiji.

Now in much colder Victoria, she tries to fulfil that aspiration as a surfer. As Chair of the Surf Coast Women’s Boardriders, based in Torquay, Victoria, she is passionate about supporting women and non-binary people to love being in and caring for the ocean.

At EJA, Sam focuses on holding decision-makers to account for the impacts of their actions on communities and ecosystems. Using their legal, policy and systems analysis skills, Sam helps create collaborative, community-driven efforts to prevent climate change.

Previously, Sam provided research and strategy support to community activists fighting fossil fuel projects around Australia. Sam has also worked as a consultant in the government advisory sector, and as an Associate at the Supreme Court of Victoria.

Sam holds a Bachelor of Arts, a Juris Doctor and a Graduate Certificate in Environment.

Hannah works across EJA's climate streams of work as a senior lawyer.

Before joining EJA, she worked as a senior prosecutor with the federal government, running criminal matters including environmental and white-collar crime prosecutions. She has also worked with the Net Zero Lawyer’s Alliance to help legal practitioners provide net zero-aligned advice.

Hannah has a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) from the University of Wollongong and a Master of Laws from New York University.

Most recently, Hannah co-developed climate-focused short courses for the Democratising Education for Global Sustainability and Stewardship Programme at the University of Cambridge.

Hannah also loves to get outdoors and go hiking and camping with friends.

Clean air & coal pollution team

We work with frontline communities seeking environmental justice from coal pollution and toxic contamination. Read more

Charley leads EJA's coal pollution legal work, serving local communities and groups to fight for justice.

She oversees all of EJA's coal pollution work, and represented our client Environment Victoria in the landmark coal pollution case, challenging the EPA and three power station companies for their failure to limit toxic pollution.

Before joining EJA, Charley worked at Victoria Legal Aid on strategic litigation and social justice campaigns such as the Robodebt test case, as well as advocating for the rights of tenants and people with disabilities.

Charley has also represented and advised the Victorian government in administrative law matters and worked for a community legal centre.

Charley has a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and Bachelor of Arts.

Based in Wurundjeri and Bunurong/ Boonwurrung country, Isabella works in EJA’s coal pollution team. She helps communities affected by coal pollution in Victoria and NSW to fight for justice and a fast and fair transition from coal to clean energy.  

Isabella is a passionate social and environmental justice lawyer. Before joining EJA, she worked in public law and pro bono teams at Russell Kennedy Lawyers, focusing on aged care and disability investigations and coronial inquests, as well as acting for people seeking asylum, refugees and First Nations clients in detention.  

Isabella has also advocated for refugee rights at Liberty Victoria’s Rights Advocacy Project and the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre. 

She holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Juris Doctor. 

Isabella loves spending time in nature – especially hiking in mountain ranges, where you’ll find her identifying birds and wildflowers or swimming in icy lakes. She also loves creating art, gardens, and delicious food.  

Ally lives and works on Wurundjeri and Bunurong/Boon Wurrung country. She serves communities in Victoria and New South Wales affected by the harmful impacts of coal pollution on human health and the environment.

She is a passionate human rights litigator who strives to provide a voice for marginalised and disadvantaged communities.

Before joining EJA, Ally worked as a Senior Lawyer at First Nations Legal & Research Services, advocating for land justice for Traditional Owners through litigation, negotiation, and advocacy.

She also worked in Maurice Blackburn’s Social Justice Practice, where she advocated for asylum seekers, refugees, and international environmental groups. She also has a background in commercial law and insurance law litigation.

Ally holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) and Master of Laws (Juris Doctor) and is learning Tok Pisin in her spare time.

Living in Newcastle on unceded Awabakal Country, Jocelyn supports communities in NSW coal regions in their fight for a healthy and safe environment.

She helps clients and community groups access environmental justice by providing legal and strategic advice, holding corporations and decision-makers to account and running community campaigns for law reform and systems change.

Jocelyn has also lectured at Monash University in Corporate Sustainability Regulation.

Before joining EJA, Jocelyn worked for the NSW Government, as an in-house prosecutor at the Environment Protection Authority and before that, as a strategic and statutory planning officer at the Department of Planning and Environment.

Jocelyn holds a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Science.

Michaela works in the Clean Air and Coal Pollution team with a particular focus on protecting the environment and health of New South Wales communities.

She is passionate about intersectional approaches to climate and environmental justice and brings a wealth of experience through her work in police and prison torts, coronial inquests, Ombudsman complaints, discrimination law and Aboriginal land and cultural rights.

Before joining EJA, Michaela worked at the Northern Land Council and the North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency serving Indigenous communities across the Top End including Wadeye, Darwin, East Arnhem and the Tiwi Islands. She also worked as an Associate for a Judge at the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory.

Michaela holds a Bachelor of Arts/Law(Hons) from the University of New South Wales and a Bachelor of Arts(Hons) from the University of Sydney. She also has a Graduate Certificate of Arts in Yolngu Languages and Culture. She was previously a casual academic at Charles Darwin University delivering lectures in property law.

Ecosystems team

We use the law to protect and regenerate vital ecosystems on the brink of collapse. Read more

Ellen leads EJA's nature program and focuses on using the law to protect and regenerate vital ecosystems on the brink of collapse.

Before joining EJA, Ellen was Deputy Principal Legal Officer at First Nations Legal & Research Services, where she represented Victorian Traditional Owners in land rights-related litigation, negotiation and advocacy and provided corporate governance advice to Traditional Owner corporations. She previously worked as a lawyer for Linklaters LLP in London and Allens in Perth, on corporate, M&A, litigation and Brexit matters.

Ellen has trained as a mediator and was previously a board member of the London community organisation Barnet Mencap.

Ellen has a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Arts and is currently studying a Masters of Environmental Law at the University of Melbourne.

Danya is a skilled litigator, advisor and legal commentator who focuses on protecting biodiversity and halting the extinction crisis. She has a particular interest in public land and law that regulates government action.

She collaborates with environment groups to bring novel litigation that improves law through precedent and protects nature from logging, land clearing and mining. Danya manages complex litigation in the Supreme and Federal Courts, speaks and writes on biodiversity law, and advocates for legal change.

Danya has worked in commercial and criminal law, internationally as a human rights advocate, and campaigned in grassroots environment groups. She was awarded the Law Council of Australia’s Mahla Pearlman Young Environmental Lawyer of the Year.

Danya holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and Bachelor of Arts (Geography).

At EJA, Luke is building momentum to permanently protect Victoria's forests beyond the end to most native forest logging in the state.

Before joining EJA, Luke worked in the European Union on forest and climate legislation. He was central to building an alliance of over 120 NGOs fighting to protect forests from being burned for so-called renewable energy.

Luke continues to work for the US-based Environmental Investigation Agency on an investigation in eastern Europe into the sourcing of biomass for renewable energy from the EU’s last intact, old-growth forests.

Luke has worked for decades as a forest campaigner, including at organisations like the Wilderness Society.

Laura works with communities in the Northern Territory to protect nature and advocate for stronger legal protections for our ecosystems.

Before joining EJA, Laura worked as a civil lawyer at the North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency in the Northern Territory and as a medical negligence lawyer at a plaintiff law firm in Melbourne.

Laura holds a Juris Doctor (Hons) and Bachelor of Arts (Hons).

At EJA, Natalie represents forest activists in court and provides assistance in relation to infringement notices. She also works across a range of legal matters in montane forests and the Murray Darling floodplains in Victoria, where she helps the community and environment groups defend and regenerate ecosystems and advocate for stronger protections.

Before joining EJA, Natalie was a criminal lawyer and worked at state and federal government prosecution agencies in Queensland and Victoria.

Natalie holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) / Bachelor of Business Management from the University of Queensland.

Jane leads EJA's federal law reform work, and serves communities and groups in the NT to protect the environment and advocate for stronger legal protections for the rich and complex ecosystems in northern Australia.

Before joining EJA, Jane worked as a civil lawyer at the North Australia Aboriginal Justice Agency in Darwin and in litigation at Herbert Smith Freehills in Melbourne.

Jane holds a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and a Bachelor of Arts from Monash University. She lives and works on Wurundjeri Country.

Since joining EJA, Nicola has defended Victoria's forests from industrial logging, notching up thousands of hours representing citizen scientists from Wildlife of the Central Highlands.

She also uses her legal expertise to scrutinise land clearing applications in the Northern Territory and push for stronger nature laws.

With a passion for nature and human rights, her legal journey began as a lawyer at the Environmental Defenders Office in the ACT and as a researcher (associate) to the Chief Judge of the Land and Environment Court of NSW.

Nicola has a Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws (Hons) from Monash University and a Master of Laws (with Distinction) from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

When not briefing barristers, you'll find Nicola ocean swimming, winning pub trivia, and creating new dehydrated recipes for hiking adventures.

First Nations justice

We provide legal support to First Nations people fighting for Country and Culture. Read more

Bruce leads EJA's First Nations and environmental justice program, where he focuses on sharing legal expertise with Traditional Owner clients and partners to improve legal and policy frameworks to exercise their sovereign authority and
knowledge to protect and care for Country.

Bruce researches and writes on topics from environmental offsets, water law and native vegetation clearing.

He also engages with community members and stakeholders on our campaigns.

As well as a law degree, Bruce holds a PhD in Administrative Law, a BA (Hons) in Political Science & Government, and a Masters of Environmental Science. He has previously worked as a student advocate, a project officer at Trust for Nature and a lecturer in Law at Deakin University.

Elke’s work as an environmental lawyer is focused on justice.

She previously worked in personal injury law, primarily representing survivors of institutional child abuse.

Elke holds a Juris Doctor degree and a Bachelor of Arts (Communication Studies). She is a member of Melbourne Activists Legal Support and the Australian Lawyers Alliance.

Before starting a career in law, Elke worked on adventure-based youth development programs across NSW and Queensland.

Mera is a member of the Eelam Tamil diaspora and was raised on the Treaty Lands and Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation.

She currently lives and works on the lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation.

At EJA, Mera focuses on supporting First Nations people exercise their rights and obligations caring for Country.

Previously, Mera worked as a lawyer at a national community legal centre assisting survivors of child sexual abuse in relation to their redress and compensation options. She has also worked and volunteered in the Victorian community sector since 2010 supporting grassroots organisations and community legal centres across the areas of refugee and asylum seeker advocacy, mental health, homelessness, and family violence.

Mera holds a Juris Doctor degree from Monash University and an Honours Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toronto.

Virginia works with environmental groups and local communities across Victoria, providing advice and representation to safeguard health, protect nature and tackle climate change. She works especially with communities disproportionately impacted by environmental harm to demand justice using Victoria’s new pollution and waste laws.

Virginia has represented community groups across Victoria challenging large road projects, gas import terminals, open-cut mines, and waste-to-energy facilities (to name a few!)

Before joining EJA in 2019, Virginia worked as a lawyer in private practice, as a judge’s associate in the County Court of Victoria and as an adviser in the Victorian State Government.

Virginia holds a Juris Doctor from the Australian National University and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons).

Paralegals and legal researchers

We work behind the scenes, providing crucial support for EJA's legal programs.

Kathryn is a dedicated paralegal behind the scenes, providing invaluable support to EJA's ecosystems and justice Teams. With a passion for protecting the environment, she's the bridge that ensures our legal initiatives are executed smoothly and efficiently.

Kathryn holds Bachelors of Law and Science and a Masters of Environmental Science from Monash University. Before EJA she has worked in the local government environment space and in corporate environmental improvement.

Her interests include writing to politicians and waving banners for climate action and the protection of biodiversity.

Shannon provides crucial legal and administrative support to the climate and coal pollution teams across strategic litigation and community engagement.

With a strong commitment to environmental advocacy and community engagement, Shannon is a driving force behind our efforts.

Before joining EJA, Shannon worked on Native Title in southern Queensland, supporting Traditional Owners to achieve self-determination through Native Title recognition.

She is a law graduate with experience in biological sciences and on citizen science projects in Queensland and Western Australia.

Engagement team

We engage, activate and empower people to participate in legal processes and financially support EJA – and make sure the world knows about our game-changing work.

As EJA's strategic communications, digital and media campaign lead, Tessa has big dreams for a radically better world.

She is passionate about sparking participatory movements to shift the public conversation, re-engage people in our democracy and reconnect communities with our planet and each other. And she believes the law is a powerful tool to disrupt the status quo.

Tessa has worked on climate and environmental campaigns for over 15 years across engagement, strategy, climate communication and and narrative research.

She has Arts and Law degrees with honours, studied visual communication in Germany, and did a PhD in cultural studies at the University of Melbourne.

Tessa lives in Naarm with her partner, three kids, dog, cat and veggie patch.

Emma focuses on growing and supporting our wonderful group of dedicated donors who financially support EJA's work.

She leads a team of fabulous fundraising professionals who are committed to raising much needed funds via philanthropic support.

Emma lives on Yugambeh land in the Gold Coast with her son and cat.

Ashley has always held a passion for people and our planet – as well as a passion for connecting our mission the resources we need to create a better world. In this position, Ashley develops strong relationships with grantors and partners, ensuring EJA's financial stability and continued success.

Ashley has over 10 years’ experience in the international development sector, primarily in Ghana, Cambodia and Timor-Leste. He also holds a Bachelor of Business and Masters of International & Community Development.

Ashley lives in lutruwita / Tasmania and is revitalised in nature, often found in the ocean, atop a mountain, in a cave or at a waterfall, with his two young boys in tow.

Motivated by a strong belief in intersectional environmentalism, Peta believes in the power of storytelling and coming together to change the world. 

Peta is an all-rounder when it comes to campaigning with a background in outreach, mobilisation, strategy and law reform.

Having completed a bachelor's degree in Environment Science, and an honours degree in Law, Peta's superpower is gaining a deep understanding of campaign issues and translating them for the world.

Before joining EJA, Peta has worked widely across the movement, including at the Australian Conservation Foundation, Conservation Council ACT Region, Environmental Defenders Office, and GreenLaw. 

She is an avid nature lover and enjoys spending time outside on Ngunnawal Country, soaking up the changing seasons and learning from the earth.

Azalea works with EJA's donors and supporters to bring them closer to the projects and impacts they are powering.

She is passionate about climate and environmental action and is grateful to be part of such a hope-giving movement.

Azalea grew up in Malaysia and brings experience fundraising as well as in public interest litigation, alternative dispute resolution and client and stakeholder engagement.

Rachael works with EJA lawyers, the communications and fundraising teams to develop creative digital strategies to grow and activate supporters in the pursuit of climate justice.

Rachael is passionate about shifting the narrative around our climate and nature and engaging people in democracy to create a radically better world.

They have worked in environmental advocacy for a number of years across fundraising, communications and community organising. Rachael has a Bachelor of Science and a Masters of Environment and Sustainability from Monash University.

Outside of their work, Rachael loves being active and is often found running and walking on the twisting trails along the Yarra River (Birrarung), climbing some fake rocks, and occasionally doing some sick flips.

Operations team

We keep EJA running smoothly – from our office to IT, publications, events, volunteers and everything in between.

Aaron is a problem-solver who keeps EJA's IT operations secure and running smoothly.

He has over 20 years IT experience spanning desktop, infrastructure, and application systems across corporate, education, and Arts-based organisations.

Aaron is also an avid volunteer, having dedicated his time to Centre for Sustainability Leadership, the Greens and Get-Up.

He holds a Bachelor of Computing and is a full writer/member of APRA/AMCOS, having toured dive-bars of the world with indie-pop band the Earthmen and hopefully his new experimental rock band Ekranoplans.

Mandy Johnson keeps the EJA office running and ensures our publications speak directly to people who need to understand legal issues in protecting the environment.

Mandy has been working with not-for-profit organisations since 1996.

Before starting with EJA in 2005, Mandy worked for a firm providing legal and consulting services tailored for not-for-profits. She previously spent seven years at BirdLife Australia, including three years as Supporter Services Manager.

Mandy holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Diploma of Professional Writing and Editing.

She is an Accredited Editor with the Institute of Professional Editors, one of only 311 nationally.

Ling is the newest member of EJA’s operations team.

Before joining EJA, Ling worked in retail as well as writing and editing. She has volunteered for organisations such as International Women’s Development Agency, the Greens and Amnesty International.

Ling is a poet with writing published in Australia and Singapore. She has a masters degree in English from the University of Melbourne.

As part of the Operations team, Joanne is responsible for the oversight of EJA’s day-to-day financial transactions, ensuring all accounting and financial functions are completed in a timely and efficient manner.

She supports the COO with budgeting, financial reporting to the Board, and improving financial processes.

Joanne is passionate about working for the for-purpose sector providing quality financial management to ensure organisations have the resources it needs to achieve its mission both today and in the future.

Prior to EJA, she worked at the Kids Under Cover, Grattan Institute and Foodbank Victoria.

Joanne holds a Bachelor of Business and Accounting and is a member of CPA Australia.

Join the Environmental Justice Australia team.