EJA welcomes the Victorian state government’s commitment to “deliver the largest
expansion to our public forests reserve system in our state’s history” as part of the May
2023 announcement to end native forest logging in Victoria’s state forests.
The purpose of this submission is to respond in more detail to the Engage Victoria consultation – Central Highlands State Forests. Help shape the future of state forests in the Central Highlands than is allowed through the online portal, and to hold the Victorian government to its commitment to protect native forests in perpetuity in Victoria’s reserve system, including in new national parks.
We urge the Victorian Government to enshrine in legislation an expanded national park
system for the Central Highlands, incorporating all areas 1-6 assessed in the Victorian
Environmental Assessment Council (VEAC) report 'Assessment of the values of state
forests in the Central Highlands' 2023 (the VEAC Report) that can help deliver:
- Permanent protection of the high conservation natural values, and intrinsic and
physical cultural values of the Central Highlands from logging, mining and other
extractive threats - Material improvements in joint management of parks in helping to achieve
comprehensive land justice for Traditional Owners - A roadmap to World Heritage assessment and listing for the outstanding universal
natural and cultural values of Victoria’s native forests.