Ask the PM to pass law reforms that actually protect nature

Will you send a quick email to the Prime Minister so his team knows there’s an enormous wave of voters who are watching closely and demanding action for nature?

In a frustratingly undemocratic act, the office of the Prime Minister is not taking phone calls right now.

But they are watching social media and their inboxes closely to see what the people want.

Together, we need to rapidly tell Prime Minister Albanese that his only option is to work together with the Greens and crossbench, to pass four (in our view, essential) reforms to our national environment laws. 


The EPBC Act is Australia's national environment law. We're calling on the Senate to work together on four urgent amendments to –

  1. Close logging exemptions and loopholes, and actually assess plans for deforestation to protect critical habitats for threatened wildlife
  2. Consider climate change in environmental assessments.
  3. Include First Nations knowledge in environmental assessment and decision making.
  4. Create an EPA with integrity, led by an independent board and clear objectives to protect nature.