Our client is dismayed.
Today, the full bench of the Federal Court dismissed the landmark Living Wonders climate cases.
The Court’s decision this morning allows the Minister to continue to ignore the climate harm caused by coal and gas projects when assessing environmental impacts.
It means the Minister can continue to justify approving coal and gas projects, like Narrabri and Mount Pleasant in NSW, which will cause enormous climate damage, by deflecting attention to other sources of emissions.
This could pave the way for Minister Plibersek to approve dozens of new coal and gas projects on her desk.
Our client, the Environment Council of Central Queensland, is bitterly disappointed by this morning’s decision.
But this is not necessarily the end of the road.
Right now, they are processing the decision and working through their options with our legal team.
We’ll share more about these landmark climate cases at a special webinar in coming weeks, where you can hear from our client and lawyers about the decision, why it matters, and what’s next.
ECoCeQ went to court because they say it is our Environment Minister’s fundamental job to protect our living wonders from projects that will have a huge and catastrophic impact on our climate and our reef, Kakadu, koalas, the Tarkine and so much more.
ECoCeQ would like to thank everyone who has supported them to come this far.
Whether you donated to their legal fund, wrote submissions (remember that?), came to webinars, or shared the Living Wonders cases far and wide, ECoCeQ could not have run these cases without you.
To stay up to date, and find out more about the Living Wonders Climate Cases visit: livingwonders.org.au
Read more
Living Wonders appeals wrap up in court
The Living Wonders appeals have wrapped up. Here’s a recap of the two day hearings, and a special thank you from our client.
Living Wonders climate litigation update
ECoCeQ is seeking a judicial review of the Minister’s decisions, which effectively refused to recognise the climate risk associated with plans to extend Mount Pleasant and Narrabri coal mines in NSW for decades to come.
Update on the Living Wonders cases
A small central Queensland environment group is taking Minister Plibersek and two big coal companies back to court for failing to protect our environment from climate harm.
Landmark climate litigation filed in the Federal Court
Our client, the Environment Council of Central Queensland, is taking Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek to Court in landmark climate litigation to protect Australia’s living wonders from new coal and gas.