How to have your say on the future of Victoria's state forests

Until midnight on 12 January 2025, the Victorian Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action's (DEECA) "Great Outdoors Taskforce" is seeking feedback on what the future holds for Victoria's state forests. 

This is your opportunity to have a say on the future of Victoria’s state forests.

Since the commitment to end native forest logging, political changes have put both the future of the ban and our forests at risk. We must act now to secure legal protections to ensure long-term safety for our forests against industrial logging and mining.

Your submission will add to hundreds of others pushing for stronger protections. Let’s make sure the call for forest preservation is louder than the push for exploitation.

You can have your say until midnight on Sunday 12 January 2025.

Ready to make a submission?

Scroll down for a step-by-step guide

Scroll down to read the full submission guide or download a PDF version here.


Let's lock in the ban on native forest logging

Native forest logging damages biodiversity, disrupts ecosystems, and accelerates climate change by releasing stored carbon. It destroys water quality and soil stability, with recovery taking centuries. Not to mention, it operates at a loss, with millions of taxpayer dollars spent every year to prop up an industry that relies on the destruction one of our most precious shared resources – nature. 

In 2023 the Victorian Government committed to ending native forest logging in Victoria; promising to “deliver the largest expansion to our public forests reserve system in our state’s history”. The Great Outdoors Taskforce was created to lead the conversation on what the future of Victoria’s state forests should look like. 

Since the commitment to end native forest logging was made, political changes have put both its future and the future of our forests at risk. To safeguard this commitment, legally enshrined protections are needed to ensure Victoria’s native forests receive the protection they deserve. 

This consultation is your chance to have a say in the future of Victoria’s state forests. With an election and the possibility of a change in state government less than two years away, it’s crucial that we come together to demand a future where both nature and community can thrive. 

Environmental Justice Australia’s campaigners and lawyers have reviewed the terms of reference for the Great Outdoors Taskforce and identified key issues.

Click on each heading to read more

The only way to add your feedback to this consultation is through the online surveys accessible here.  

You can either:

  • Complete the written survey;
  • Complete the map survey;
  • A combination of both.

We encourage you to prioritise the written survey, as it lets you share your views on forest management across the state as a whole. If you have a particular area of interest, you can also use the map survey to provide feedback on that specific site. 

You must lodge your submission by midnight on Sunday 12 January 2025.

Click on each heading to read more

If you have any questions, need further support, or would like to share your submission, contact EJA’s forests campaigner, Luke Chamberlain, via the Q&A email: [email protected]

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