Leave a gift in your will

A legacy gift to EJA will help shape the future of Australia's unique wildlife and landscapes and power system-changing legal work for a fair and flourishing world.

Your gift will also help us safeguard our climate, and make sure generations to come can enjoy our world as much as we do.

Environmental Justice Australia was founded on the belief that everyone has the right to a healthy environment and that all living things should have the chance to thrive.

Since 1991, we have been a leading public interest legal organisation, providing vital support for nature and community fighting to protect our forests, rivers, wildlife and communities. We advocate for environmental justice across Australia, with a focus on communities who need support the most.

This important work protect the people, places, and wildlife we love – and is only possible thanks to generous acts of giving.

"We’ve had firsthand experience in the value of Environmental Justice Australia. Without their expertise, groups like ours defending our environmental assets would be even further disadvantaged in counterbalancing highly financed, connected, and influential opponents.

"We consider that protecting the environment for future generations is a natural legacy and responsibility of our very fortunate generation.”

— John and Robyn Pettigrew

Steps to leaving a gift in your will

1. Choose your beneficiaries

First, consider your loved ones and who you would like to benefit from your legacy. You can give to whoever you wish – friends and family, loved ones, organisations.

2. Choose your gifts to give

What kind of gift would you like to leave? An impactful way to support EJA is through a residual gift. This is the balance remaining after your loved ones and expenses are provided for and will maintain the relative value of your gift over time.

3. Create your Will

You can leave a gift in your Will by simply adding the following words when you next review your Will. The wording below is a guide for your solicitor or trustee:

‘I give to Environment Justice Australia (ABN: 74 052 124 375) of 60 Leicester Street, Carlton, VIC, 3053 for the purpose of safeguarding the environment [whole/residue of my estate] or [….% of my estate] or [the sum of $….] or [specified property….] free of all debts, duties or taxes and declare that the receipt of an authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge for my executor(s).’

3. Get in touch

Contact us to let us know you have left a gift to EJA in your Will, or if you have questions or would like to find out more – call our friendly team on (03) 8341 3100 or 1300 336 842 or fill out the form below and we'll reply by email.

We would love the opportunity to thank you for your support. We will also keep you updated on our work and invite you and your family to special confidential briefings and events.

    Please get in touch with our Relationship Coordinator, Azalea Azarae via the form below for further information or to receive our bequest brochure.

    Thank you for considering leaving a future gift to EJA in your Will. It's an exceptional legacy for future generations who will inherit our incredible world and unique environment.

    Contact EJA about making a gift in your will


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    Our financials

    We have a long-standing commitment to sound fiscal management, accountability and transparency.

    We encourage you to investigate before you donate.

    Our impact

    For more than 30 years, we've used a powerful combination of public interest litigation and legal advocacy campaigns.

    Thanks to generous donors, we've created lasting impact inside and outside the courtroom for the people, places and wildlife we love.