17 November 2020
We have been blown away by the incredible support from over 1,000 generous supporters to defend possums against VicForests Appeal. Together, we have raised over $70,000 to fight this appeal against our landmark win in the federal court for our clients, Friends of Leadbeater’s Possum.
VicForests have filed 31 grounds for appeal meaning this case is going to be big. Every dollar donated will mean our legal team can prepare and present the strongest arguments and best defence for our forests. This generous support will help fight for lasting protection for the Leadbeater’s Possum and Greater Glider and put a halt to further logging in vital areas of our magnificent native forests.
We have started to engage our legal partners to build our defence of this important decision to protect possums. We know the evidence is clear that logging practices are destroying some of the last remaining habitats for the critically endangered Leadbeater’s Possum and the vulnerable Greater Glider. A court date is yet to be confirmed.
Thank you to everyone who contributed and special thanks to the team at Chuffed for working with us on this campaign. The power of community is central to making our laws work for wildlife and the places we love.