Climate Change Authority Consultation:

Setting, tracking and achieving Australia’s emissions reduction targets (2023)

Every single person in Australia deserves climate targets and action which will secure a safe and sustainable future for all of us.

This is the core of Environmental Justice Australia’s submission to the Climate Change Authority’s consultation on “Setting, tracking and achieving Australia’s emissions reduction targets”. Beyond calling for ambitious emissions reduction targets, EJA’s submission asserts:

  1. To set and achieve such targets Australia needs an emissions reporting framework that accurately and consistently accounts for all GHG emissions (including Scope 3 and methane emissions).
  2. To accomplish such targets Australia needs to take a realistic look at what role, if any, carbon credits should play in driving down emissions. If they play a role, all carbon credits need to be founded on a robust legislative framework that promotes integrity.

EJA’s submission draws on leading scientific research, but also highlights how climate change is impacting the lives, and human rights, of young people from First Nations and disability communities. In his individual capacity, Chris Black (16 years old) courageously speaks to how he has already experienced climate change. Chris tells of his hopes for the future highlighting how crucial it is for the Australian government to act equally courageously for all of us now, and for future generations.

In Chris’ words:

“The government’s action on climate is nowhere near [where] it should be according to the best available scientific research. The fact they are still approving new fossil fuel projects in the middle of a climate crisis highlights that they are not in any way committed to effective and science-based climate action.”

Read EJA’s submission to the Climate Change Authority on setting, tracking and achieving the climate targets all Australians deserve below.