16 December 2022
Prepared by Environmental Justice Australia on behalf of the Nature Conservation Council of NSW
This submission is made in respect of the Chain Valley Colliery Consolidation Project (the Project), proposed by Great Southern Energy Pty Ltd (trading as Delta Coal).
The Project seeks to combine the existing consents of Chain Valley Colliery (CVC) and Mannering Colliery (MC), extend the life of the mines by a further two years until 2029 and enable secondary extraction in the mining areas, which are located underneath Lake Macquarie. The mines supply coal to Vales Point Power Station (VPPS).
NCC objects to the Project on the basis that the cumulative impacts of the Project pose significant risks to the environment and human health, including that the Project will contribute to climate change.
NCC also submits that the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Project is
inadequate and fails to provide the information lawfully required by the Secretary’s
Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs).