The iconic Murray Darling Basin is in strife. Climate breakdown, politics, industry, and agriculture have left this incredible river system one of the most vulnerable water basins on the planet.
EJA lawyers made a submission in response to Inquiry into the Water Amendment (Restoring Our Rivers) Bill 2023 in September, 2023.
The submission urges the Federal Government to enact amendments in relation to the Water Act and Basin Plan that will deliver:
- First Nations’ water rights and cultural flows.
- Transparency and accountability measures.
- Achieving the recovery of 450GL and constraints measures.
- Climate change and environmental justice.
Senior Specialist Lawyer Bruce Lindsay and Lawyer Natalie Hogan appeared at the public hearing of the Inquiry into the Water Amendment (Restoring Our Rivers) Bill 2023 in Canberra on Tuesday, 31 October.
They put forward EJA’s recommendations to the Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications.