Call for stronger protections against coal ash pollution in the Latrobe Valley

Together, we've secured some huge wins on coal ash pollution in Victoria. Now, we have an opportunity to push for even stronger protections. 

How to make an impactful submission

The Victorian EPA is taking submissions from the public until 11.59pm Friday, 9 February 2024, via the Engage Victoria portal.

You can use the information below to draft your submission. 


Everyone deserves a future free from toxic coal pollution.

Hidden beside coal-fired power stations, toxic ash dumps in the Latrobe Valley are threatening the local community’s health, rivers, lakes, farmland and forests with contamination. 

The toxins in coal ash have been linked to asthma, heart disease, cancer, respiratory diseases and stroke.   

Coal ash is a serious threat to community health, and must be carefully, strictly managed – so the Latrobe Valley has a future free from the burden of toxic coal pollution.  

Have your say

The Victorian EPA is currently seeking feedback from the community on AGL’s revised plans to expand its coal ash dumps at Loy Yang in the Latrobe Valley. 

A first round of public consultation was held in March 2023 on AGL’s initial plans to expand its coal ash dumps. Thanks to community members across the Latrobe Valley speaking out on their concerns, AGL has submitted a revised application, which includes stronger measures for environmental and community safety, and greater transparency in their plans.  

While these are significant wins, there are still a few key areas of AGL’s application that must be strengthened. We now have another opportunity to ensure even stronger protections for community and environmental health.